What happens at a Catholic Mothers Group
At a Catholic Mothers Group, we pray the Rosary for the groups intentions followed by a nice cuppa and a chat among friends while the children have some playtime. It’s a great way to make new friends, both for mothers and children.
Becoming part of a Catholic Mothers Ireland
Members should be practising Catholics, striving to live by the Church teaching.
Call or WhatsApp us on +353 (0)85 147 1516 or email catholicmothers@outlook.ie us to find out how to link in locally.
Catholic Mothers Retreat Days
We run Retreat Days for mums only as a way for them to connect with other mums and to deepen their Faith, so they can get the support and encouragement they need in their vocation. Contact us to find out when our next retreat is taking place.
Setting up a Catholic Mothers Group
- It is important to have at least 2 people to lead a group. Remember, Jesus sent the disciples out in pairs!
- Speak to the Parish Priest about setting up a Catholic Mothers Meet-up in your area and the possibility of using the local hall or community room on a fortnightly or monthly basis.
- You will need to allow a minimum of 2 hours for the meeting.
- Have an area set aside for the Rosary. Have Holy pictures, a blessed candle and prayer cards.
- Bring toys and colouring-in for the children. This will help to get them interacting with each other, if they don’t know each other and keep them entertained while the mummies are praying.